1. For my independent component I intend to do 30 hours of mentorship by attending all my soccer games, which I have started going to in the past two months. I also wanted to try coaching my soccer team during practices or games. Showing them different soccer drills and strategies to the win games.
2. How I intend to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence would be taking pictures in the process. For example showing the different soccer drills they will have to do. I also want to post videos of the team doing specific drills and the during games. It would help my team and I improve and be the champions in our league.
3.I think this will help me know my topic more in depth by showing me soccer drills that will help you with your touches on the ball, speed, agility etc. Basically everything you need to become a better soccer player and knowing what drills are good to strengthen you legs or other muscles you need for soccer. Anything that will help you improve by what you need to eat before and after the game. What foods are better than others.